Showcase: Identity
While continuing to pursue inquiry-based integrated studies, December featured a departure from our typical end-of-term Elementary Knowledge Fair format. Rather than class-specific weekday events, we hosted an evening, open-house-style, “Identity Showcase”. Students served as hosts/guides, and helped their parents explore the hands-on, minds-on learning that captured our attention as we investigated and celebrated “Identity”.
Inquiry-Based Learning = Research
From Littles to Elders, our students learned about various components of identity, including brain function, emotions, and learning styles. Research results, models, and self-reflections were centred around topics such as
- Family & Community
- Play
- Food
- Communication
- Thinking and Learning
- Geography
Displaying student work in topic groupings, rather than age-based collections highlighted learning progression, with Middles’ work displayed alongside Elders’ work within a shared topic.
Showcase Contributions from our Junior High Students
Integrated studies look different in our upper grades. In addition to their conventional subject-specific instruction, and collaborations with their book buddies, our senior students contributed through reflections on their own identity, including as learners over their time at H.I.S. They also contributed identity hexagons created individually in French class. These designs highlighted commonalities, which were even more illuninating when the hexagons were connected and displayed as one in our Multi-Purpose Room.
Cameo Appearances from the Much Ado Cast
Throughout the 2-hour event, our MS7 students strolled the halls in their “Much Ado About Nothing” costumes, spreading the word about their upcoming performance at Alderney Landing Theatre.
Celebrating, Singing, and Creating, in Community
Our families connected with one another and allowed our students to take pride in sharing their work.

Showcase visitors participated in two collaborative art projects, including a stained-glass panel now installed in our front entrance.
The centrepoint of the evening was a whole-school gathering in our gymnasium. Music teacher Nelle taught parents and grandparents the chorus of “We’re Independent”, our school song, and then led us in singing the song, all together, accompanied by a live band.
Remembering Our Last Expo: “Building Community 2018”
Our last evening showcase of an integrated studies theme was the “Expo” in February 2018, when we opened the campus expansion. At that time, families, alumni, and capital campaign donors came together to explore the school and view our research and projects centred around “Building Community”. Together, we celebrated the history of the school and the construction that led to our exciting new space. It is hard to believe that was almost 7 years ago! Did you share in that celebration? If so, we would love to hear from you.