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Enrolment Inquiry Form



We value your time and your desire to find a good fit for your family. Answer a few questions to help us understand your needs. Please note: This form is not an application.

We want to ensure that you have basic information about us, right from the start.

Please indicate that you have read and understood the following information about our school.

Your Contact Information

Name of the person completing this form
Name of the person completing this form

Your Inquiry

Enter the name and birthdate of the potential applicant(s) and all siblings (13 years of age or younger)
Are you exploring admission for this child?
Please select the statement below that best describes this child's eligibility to study in Canada.
What are your preferences for the timing of a weekday tour or video conference? Please select all that apply.
Generally, which weekdays work best for you? (Select all that apply.)

If you have any questions about our process, please reach out. We’ll be happy to assist!